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The Formation Commission is a consultative body which discusses the problems and challenges, possibilities and opportunities of formation, and to give considerations and suggestions to the Major Superior and his council.
As we all know, Father Dehon worked many years in formation. In 1877 he wonderfully stated the following about formation aims: “a respect for the freedom of others, a sense of responsibility, a sincere and continuous search for truth, a balanced and serene criticism, a solidarity and a service towards all, a sensitivity towards justice, and a special awareness of feeling oneself called to be a positive agent of change in a society that is in continuous transformation”. Dehon’s life and work had this purpose: formation to priests, future priests, religious and lay people to intelligent and responsible action.
Periodically to reflect and reexamine the practice of SCJ formation of Minor Seminary, Novitiate, Philosophy, Theology, continuing studies (higher studies) of the young perpetual members of the district, and ongoing formation in general. In a special way they should give attention to a continuing relationship between each step of formation within the district, especially in the initial formation process.
Our activity is our goal and everything is headed the same direction: to be a platform to lead the formators towards a creative integration of Indian and dehonian values, such as spirituality of compassion and harmony, from the optic of the poor and living in communities with a personal and cordial relationships.
The Commission of Formation consists of one coordinator, and the members, appointed by the Major Superior, after consulting his councilors, with a term for the length of the administration.
Members of the Formation Commission For 2020 - 2023
Fr. Michael Augustine Moses (Coordinator)
Fr. Christy Peter
Br. Sajeevan
Fr. Vineeth Antony
Fr. Jose Antony Arackal
SCJ Indian District
Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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